Summary: The Scripting Wife reveals her impressions of 2013 Scripting Games Beginner Event 2.
Well I am back from Seattle and from the Windows PowerShell Summit—and boy, did I have a lot of fun. I got to see friends from all over the world, and the amazing thing is that I knew nearly everyone there—at least virtually. Well, nearly everyone. The good thing is that I got to know the ones that I did not previously know. I really want to thank Don, Jeffery, Richard, Chris, and Jason for all their hard work in putting this summit together. Here is a picture of Lee Holmes and me outside the conference room prior to him delivering an awesome presentation.
OK…this event is not too bad. Whenever I hear things like inventory, I think of WMI. To help you get moving in the right direction, read my post, Weekend Scripter: Use PowerShell to Find the Version of Windows, where I work with the Scripting Guy to find WMI information. So all I need to do is get the operating system version, the number of processors, and the amount of memory. I also need to be able to read a text file that contains the IP addresses. No problem…this really is not too hard at all.
~Scripting Wife